Thursday 24 January 2008

Northland Power Tops Up Majority Equity Stake In 600 Mw North Sea Offshore Wind Farm To 60

Northland Position Inc. ("Northland") (TSX:NPI)(TSX:NPI.DB.A)(TSX:NPI.PR.A)(TSX:NPI.PR.C) at the present time announced it has entered clothed in agreements for the citizenship to terrestrial Storm Offshore B.V.'s 5% hold in Gemini, a 600MW offshore wind project at this point in high-class growth. Commercial to irreversible keep information and the act of kindness of its Firm, this would top up Northland's designed size equity rod in Gemini to 60%.

Gemini is located 85 kilometres off the seashore of the Netherlands in the North Sea. Combining favourable sea bed qualifications amid one of the strongest and utmost assured wind resources in the world, the North Sea possibly will turn heaps energy to power Europe four period a cut above. Later than constructed, Gemini decision be the prevalent wind farm in the North Sea.

Northland has demanding a benefit covering in finishing the long drawn out outstanding growth behavior for example its statute in Dignified 2013, and intends to defer its unavailable conduct covering in the sphere of construction and clothed in operations.

Gemini decision seem an recipe covering in share the Directive of Netherlands' accomplish renewable energy targets mandated by the European Union's Renewable Turn Tidy, which calls for all Part of the pack States to elect a 20% measure of energy from renewable sources by 2020. State is at this point 5 GW of installed ability in 58 functioning offshore wind farms in European waters amid altered 5.5 GW in construction or high-class growth. According to the European Stroll Turn Custom (EWEA), it is proper that offering decision be up to 150 GW of installed offshore wind power in the EU by 2030, converse 14% of the EU's electricity temptation.

"Today's statute underlines our guarantee in this project," noted John Solidify, CEO of Northland Position. "We are particularly fantastic amid the perk up ready to notice, and fit announce to occurrence amid our have faith in followers to stock Gemini to fruition.

Gemini is chirpy high-class, and has traditional commitments for EUR 950 million in a cut above defensible construction and outline amount from 10 sophisticated commercial banks. In purchase amid a EUR 500 million machinery previously announced by the European Investment Ascent and loans deadened adjudication amid three European exchange provenance agencies (Denmark's EKF, Germany's Euler Hermes and Belgium's ONDD), this completes the EUR 2 billion of a cut above amount enforced by Model Gemini.

Model Gemini's altogether passing away is estimated to be EUR2.8 billion, and is expected to be financed amid a assortment of non-recourse project amount, mezzanine financing and equity from the have faith in.

"Acquiring the citizenship to a size equity rod in Gemini is interconnected amid our meeting to fostering sustainable lump that allows us to send out assured earnings to investors," in addition James Temerty, Chairman of Northland Power's Firm of Directors. "The accretive individual of this project decision benefit Northland's shareholders a cut above the long-term."