Saturday 15 November 2014

German French Team Unveils Worlds Most Efficient Solar Cell

German French Team Unveils Worlds Most Efficient Solar Cell
A team comprised of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Soitec, CEA-Leti and the Helmholtz Center, Berlin has just unveiled the world's most efficient solar cell! Boasting an efficiency of 44.7%, the cell breaks the record set by Sharp just three months ago by 0.3%. The four-junction photovoltaic cell is not only dramatically more efficient than the theoretical 33.7% efficiency limit of conventional silicon-based solar PV, but it puts the team well on the road to reaching their goal of 50% efficiency by 2015.

Read the rest of German-French Team Unveils World's Most Efficient Solar Cell!

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Post tags: concentrator photovoltaics, four junction, fraunhofer ISE, green energy, III-V multi-junction, NREL, photovoltaics, soitec, Solar Cell, solar efficiency, Solar Power
