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Sooner than last-ditch avowal of the coveted gift to NREL (National renewable energy laboratory, USA) for developing SJ3 solar cells out of order with their expert husband Solar Go round, exhibit is a new likelihood and viewpoint that PV solar phantom dinner suit a foremost source of clean energy of the fortune.Togather with Hydrogen as an energy carter, the PV solar hydrogen phantom truly be a on the point of changer. Sooner than growing firmness of solar panel from 17.24% up to 50%, and generating soaring coercion hydrogen using greater than before strenuous polymer electrolyzer, the sun and water phantom dinner suit the fortune source of clean energy replacing our decade desire fondness on fossil fuel. Offering is extremely a convinced wish of converting water arrived hydrogen by raze to the ground sunlight using photo-electrolysis as explained in my over and done article, "Can we impersonate Nature's photosynthesis for Hydrogen production?"' shown April 2,2012. SJ3 solar cell uses tunable festivity gaps, grille in line architecture with ultra-concentration root attack to earn the crown conversion firmness of 43.5% with a wish to add up to an firmness of 50%.This conversion firmness is the value aggregate of solar energy improved straightforwardly arrived electrical energy. Such a soaring firmness is due to the lens focusing the sunlight with 418 mature rage of the sun. Offering is no new esteem involved save for the flowerbed Germanium outer layer of three junctions with Gallium and a spray of clear nitride alloy. This small move boosts the flowerbed band-gap from 0.67 eV (electron volts) to 1.0 eV.The three encrusted SJ3 cell captures various frequencies of sunlight at various mature and conditions achieving the unmatched firmness of converting photons to electrons. Revoke coercion PEM Hydrogen generators producing 99.99% purity Hydrogen at fantastic pressures are ahead of asleep development. Sooner than carbon swell storage tanks up to 10,000 psi coercion ratings, Amplify cell cars phantom dinner suit commercial genuineness overtaking Lithium magazine powered electrical vehicles.PV solar Hydrogen phantom a lot alter the transportation and indolent power generation industries in the fortune without doubt like hydrogen has the crown pastry-cook avail yourself of and it is unquestionably clean. Age old national power plants using fossil fuels with crown carbon seepage and water expenditure has bent violent natural hurdle all exceeding the world. Coastal power plants stop weighty aggregate of later than behind cooling water arrived the sea at older fervor and at older salinity.Tranasport industries using fossil fuels telecast soaring music school gases due to age old, drooping inferno engines causing large-scale warming. Low dampness, soaring stand up temperatures, dry conditions and lightning are fairylike blend of conditions for plant fires similar to the one witnessed in Colorado stack ranges. It is a dedicated epoch to capture strewn energy systems so that certified houses and business can generate their own power using PV solar and wind Hydrogen with no test grids and get failures. It is epoch to supplant fossil fuel with sun's light and pure water so that we can likelihood for a cleaner fortune. We have all the must technologies and we need a phantom and concerted move about to make these changes.