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SOLAR ENERGY is one of the great technological advances of our time. It saves average people a lot of money and helps large corporations operate in an environmentally friendly manner. If you are considering making the switch to SOLAR, read on. This article will show you the benefits and how you can make them work for you. Contact your local government to ask them about rules in place where you live. No SOLAR technology should be in use without permission from the powers that be. You may find yourself fined and having to take down all that you worked so hard to put in place if you don't inquire first. Solar ENERGY through the use of SOLAR "panels" can last up to 30 years. It is a long-lived use of ENERGY and requires very little maintenance on your part. Since there are no movable parts, solar-energy "panels" don't break or need repair. This can provide years of electricity bill savings. Are you wondering how you can help to reduce your carbon footprint on the earth? There are many small ways that you can do this, but by switching to SOLAR ENERGY you can help to make a big impact. SOLAR ENERGY is renewable, meaning healthy for the environment and good for your wallet too. The efficiency of a SOLAR ENERGY system varies a lot depending on its exposure to the sun. If you live in a sunny area, your system should produce enough ENERGY to cover all your needs but SOLAR ENERGY might not be such a good investment if you live in an area where the sky is usually filled with clouds. Keep shade issues in mind when installing SOLAR "panels". A panel that loses a quarter of its light can lose half its POWER production. The main thing to keep in mind is tree foliage. Are any trees going to grow in between the "panels" and sunlight? Consider trimming them back a little. If you want to help improve the environment, then utilizing SOLAR ENERGY for your home is one of the best ways to go. It's the cleanest source of POWER available. Take a stand and reduce your reliance on fossil fuel by turning to SOLAR POWER. Consider changing out your windows when you install a SOLAR ENERGY system. Installing ENERGY efficient windows will help your home be easier to heat and cool, maximizing your ENERGY savings. Since you will now be providing your own POWER, it is a good idea to save ENERGY wherever you can. SOLAR POWER can be one way to live "off the grid" but you don't have to be off the grid to use a SOLAR powered system. You, yourself, can get it work, making your family more independent than your neighbors. You will no longer have a monthly utility bill or have the task of establishing service each time you move. SOLAR POWER may very well be the answer to the pollution problems plaguing an advanced society. It can also save the average home owner a ton of money on their utility bills! Consider this option in your life and how much you and future generations stand to benefit from the POWER of SOLAR ENERGY.