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MECASOLAR PARTICIPATES IN R">MECASOLAR IS TO Lumber room A Huge Shadow WHOSE Existence Soul GO TO THE Secondary Equipment OF A Inconsiderable HYDRO IN THE Municipality OF JAGUARI, RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL. * THE Weigh up Feel, LED BY DRESSER-RAND GUASCOR, INCLUDES MEMBERS FROM UNIVERSIDADE Federal DE SANTA CATARINA (FLORIAN'oPOLIS, BRAZIL). MECASOLAR, a contract specialising in the vision and manufacture of solar trackers, severe structures for ground- and roof-mounted installations, and bear witness to screws for large solar PV installations, is participating in an R">. Mecasolar's individuality in the project is to supply a solar tracker in support of the auxiliary accouterments of a 9.8MW small hydro (PCH Furnas do Segredo) mechanized by DRESSER-RAND. The project, integrating various types of renewable energy technologies, analyses power generation (kWh/kWp) using PV systems with dual-axis trackers. It is person carried out in Jaguari, one of the places with the greatest steer solar radiation in Brazil. By participating in this project, MECASOLAR seeks to stoke up its incline in Brazil, a market where it is prominently lithe unswerving alliance in a appoint of projects vacant at the energy fair on 31 October. In the environs of MECASOLAR WWW.MECASOLAR.COM MECASOLAR specialises in the vision, manufacture and supply of dual-axis and plane, azimuth or polar-aligned single-axis trackers, severe structures for ground- and roof-mounted solutions, and MECASCREW bear witness to screws for PV solar services. The company's trackers, with a total power of improved 400MW, specific been installed in best quality than 40 countries. MECASOLAR has manufacturing plants in Spain, Canada, USA and Greece.