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Solar panels efficiency is based on whether they are set in geographically suitable locations. But the real need for harnessing solar energy at the moment is in Asia. In America, the best solar modules usage happens in places like Texas and Maryland with plenty of sunlight and cloudless weather. With a maximum portion of India and China still rural; and their industries not yet under strict environmental control; pollution and low grade fossil fuel usage are problems here. This is why the best PV solar panels manufacturers are seeking their markets in Asia with the age of Asianism that has begun in the 21st century. With all the necessary resources, natural energy sources are abundant here. Asia is the largest and most diverse continental mass on the planet. It has almost all the possible geographical classifications and consists of about 30% of the global population. Within Asia, two giants are racing in a power struggle - India and China. India is the seventh largest nation in the world and one of the pillars of the age of Asianism. With a population of 1.3 billion people, and a high degree of education and skilled working population; India is set to become the next major power bloc of the world. China is the most populous country in the world. With a work force of 2.2 billion people, it is the world's most efficient manufacturing machinery. Today, the world looks to China for mass production. Solar street lighting systems are the first major urban - rural development plan put in action in Asia. From there, major water and wind energy resources were developed by the governments. Better yet, the geographical aspects of Asia made it perfect for involving developing a platform for products with credible PV solar panel ratings. The best PV solar panels are made of crystalline silicon. Though the element is about 30% of our earth's crust; the pure form is rare. It can be extracted from sand. The huge desert areas of western China and India make it perfect for manufacture of the best solar modules. This is why India is already the second largest producer of solar electricity and products with solar panels efficiency. China has also gained a similar podium as the major energy corporations are seeking grounds here. BP for example is moving its entire solar project from Maryland to China. Solar street lighting systems were experimental, but their success guaranteed a future. Fossil fuel prices are on the rise, and new power resources are vital to the planet. With the abundance of resources like manpower and geographical advantages, Asianism seems to be the perfect time for development of green energy. Western nations of America and Europe developed nuclear power (as well as India, China, and Japan); but such power has limited capabilities, besides safety issues. Like other forms of natural energy like wind and water generation, solar energy is safe and free. The development process of such products with PV solar panel ratings may be costly, but they pay back themselves in a few years in savings. With domestic power units set to be integrated into homes; the Age of Asianism will also be an age of eco-friendly and free power production.