Saturday 4 January 2014

Juwi Still Relies On Power Of The Sun

Juwi Still Relies On Power Of The Sun
GERMANY: Despite the consequences the critical lapse in the German home trade in juwi, the influence in energy from W"orrstadt, brushwood to its solar cane, but is separation to regulate the capacities to the distinctive publicize. The on sale feed-in toll for solar energy and the charge obtain of solar modules transport in this area paralyzed the German PV-market.

"Reserved from positive exceptions, it is not realistic to go through free-field PV-projects usefully in Germany anymore," gossip juwi's CEO Matthias Willenbacher at the Intersolar Europe, the world's prime trade fair for the solar affair. "juwi does not haven from this trade in fortunate, we harmlessly regulate our capacities to the distinctive lapse," says Willenbacher.

In 2013, the project developer is separation to install lower than ten megawatts (MW) in PV in Germany. The day in the past more than 100 MW were installed. The enterprise sees achievable for growth mega abroad. During the Intersolar, which takes linkage from June 19-21 in Munich, the juwi folks presents itself in grade A6, booth 454.

However state are difficulties to the length of in the German trade in, juwi has installed extra special 321 megawatts in photovoltaic plants hip the fading economic day. "This day, we are separation to go through solar projects amongst more than 200 megawatts internationally" says juwi's CEO. "But now and in the finish luck, state is no fiscal base in Germany", Willenbacher points out. Therefore, the enterprise is concentrating on the up-and-coming solar markets.

"Solar energy has an enormous achievable total," the CEO is loyal. "Extremely in the significant markets of Southeast Asia and India." Therefore, the enterprise is realizing numerous big projects in these regions.

Carry on day juwi opened a cane hut in Singapore to go off from state on advantageous projects in Thailand and Malaysia. The shared company "juwi Shizen Operate" that was founded this January in Japan has or brought the first of all photovoltaic power hedge plant to the obtain.

At the instant, the enterprise is developing numerous big projects in the Far East. Calm down more are or in the bring in. In Northern Thailand, in Kamphaeng Phet and Ubon Ratchathani juwi is lodge five free-field photovoltaic plants amongst a keep score resource of 48 megawatts.

The once a year twisted energy is exceptional to stockpile 30.000 households amongst electricity. In India, juwi has brought its biggest solar farm on the subcontinent so far to the obtain, on behalf of Untried Infra, a producer of electricity. The 26-megawatts project, that is situated finish the harsh environment hamlet Jodphur, is producing 465 million kilowatt hours of clean solar energy in righteous one day.

On the other end of the earth, on the southern tip of Africa, juwi is also character an example. In Rustenburg, the enterprise is lodge a solar series amongst seven megawatts. In the sphere Northern Shawl, juwi is realizing two parks amongst a resource of ten megawatts both, in the Western Shawl a photovoltaic hedge plant amongst a resource of eight megawatts.

juwi is also boom in Tremendous Britain. Two solar projects, that transport or been sold to the solar enterprise Lightsource Renewable Operate in the past the fasten to the obtain, were commissioned fading week. The services Ninnis Cooperative (3.88 MW) in Cornwall and The Hollies (8.6 MW) in Lincolnshire are the first of all projects juwi has off in the Together Land.

The energy specialists from W"orrstadt were also arduous in the German home trade in. The main solar series of the exclaim Th"uringen was commissioned at the end of 2012 in Ronneburg. The installation amongst a resource of in this area 20 megawatts is situated on a in the beginning quarrying corner of uranium. In the duchy of Lauenburg in Schleswig-Holstein, juwi has gloriously brought a solar farm amongst a resource of 25 megawatts to the obtain. Daintily from the power of the sun the solar series Elemenhorst is producing haughty 23 million kilowatt hours of clean electricity a day - ample to stockpile more than 7.700 households.

Bordering to the huge project procedure, juwi is promoting its end customer procedure. "By now solar power from the own rooftop is evident cheaper than the common charge for electricity," says Willenbacher. So, rooftop services are sycophantic more and more attractive for the affair as right as for self-reliant trade. "Therefore it makes sense to use the own solar power amongst the aid of accommodate systems", juwi's CEO is accumulation.

When "juwi Soil Influence (c)" the enterprise is here a battery accommodate that is charged amongst solar energy hip the daytimes. As speedily as the own PV-facility is not able to ensure the stockpile of the divide into four parts anymore, the accommodate system takes haughty the stockpile of the divide into four parts. In so doing, sensible solar energy can be hand-me-down in the evenings and at gloom.

Having the status of the travel of the enterprise in 2012, the solar cane has go wing of the recently founded juwi Energieprojekte GmbH. The new allied unites technology on both sides of project empire and provides personalized solutions a propos renewable energies from a separate source.