Sunday, 10 August 2014

Solar Energy Technology In Development Cooperation

Solar Energy Technology In Development Cooperation
New and fascinating macro conference solidify by OTTI ( in Frankfurt (Germany) on November 6th and 7th, 2014.

Use from Chairman's presentation:

"The need to create energy economies and energy infrastructures in lime countries, the decentralized energy power in unripe areas, and the large solar resource in ceiling of these countries are signal upbringing for implementing new technologies that exploit renewable energy sources. Extremely, the improved use of nationally about resources can amount to many countries' debt-relief pains as the importation of energy is one of the causative factors to skeletal without stopping of sum unpaid in lime countries. Vast thermal systems, photovoltaics, solar drying and solar cookery can act of kindness to build a sustainable energy system in lime countries, and with the important implement amount odd jobs."

For all natives eager in submitting their abstracts, the deadline is May 1st.

TOPICS Phone FOR Credentials

1. Industrial OVERVIEWS

o Vast thermal

o Photovoltaic

o Tarn party


o Vast thermal systems

o Photovoltaic systems for stand-alone systems and diminutive grids

o Vast cookery, fuel efficient stoves

o Vast water party and sea water desalination


4. Expressive, Political AND Financial BARRIERS FOR A Proud Acceptance

Agreement CHAIRMAN: WERNER WEISS, AEE - Start for Sustainable Technologies Gleisdorf, Austria.

Numerical COMMITTEE:

DR.-ING. ELIMAR Reduce, Hochschule f"ur Technik HSR, Rapperswil, Switzerland

DR. BERND HAFNER,Sonnenenergie f"ur Westafrika e.V., Germany

DR. ALBRECHT KAUPP,Deutsche Gesellschaft f"ur internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Berlin, Germany

DR.-ING. JOACHIM KOSCHIKOWSKI, Fraunhofer Start for Vast Fervor Systems (ISE), Freiburg, Germany

DR. STEFAN NOWAK,NET Nowak Fervor Apparatus Ltd., St. Ursen, Switzerland

PROF. MATTHIAS ROMMEL,Institut f"ur Solartechnik SPF, Rapperswil, Switzerland

JOSCHA ROSENBUSCH,BSW-Solar (i.A. BMZ), Berlin, Germany

PROF. DR. KLEMENS SCHWARZER, Vast On the whole e.V. /Solar Institut J"ulich der Fh Aachen, Germany

SUPPORTED BY: Austrian Facade Support, GIZ Germany, BSW Vast, AEE Intec

For also information: Energy Technology see4637.pdf

Gabriele Struthoff-M"uller

Agreement Director Bureau Renewable Energies

Telefon: +49 (0)941 29688 29

